д.ф.-м.н. ("Нелинейные модели биологической очистки и функциональная роль времени оборота биомассы", Институт биофизики Сибирского отделения Академии наук СССР, Красноярск, 1986);
к.ф.-м.н. ("Исследование автоколебаний в некоторых жидкофазных химических системах ", Институт химической физики АН СССР, Москва, 1970);
специалист (физик, Физический факультет Московского государственного университета (кафедра биофизики), Москва, 1965).
Почетные звания, награды:
Премия за лучшую научную работу молодых ученых в Московской области (в соавторстве с А.М. Жаботинским и А.Н. Заикиным, 1970);
Член Российской академии естественных наук (1994 – настоящее время);
Лауреат премии Президента России для выдающихся российских ученых (1995-2002).
Членство в профессиональных обществах:
Член Международной ассоциации качества воды, Международной ассоциации по водным ресурсам (1998 - 2014), член специализированной группы по моделированию анаэробных процессов Международной Водной Ассоциации (1999- н. в.).
Рецензент в международных и национальных журналах:
Water Research, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Waste Management, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Bioresource Technology, Proc. I Chem. Engn., Chemosphere, Водные ресурсы (Water Resources), Микробиология (Microbiology)
Опубликовал более 60 статей в международных реферируемых журналах, около 50 статей в российских реферируемых журналах и 5 книг, включая "Модель анаэробного сбраживания № 1 Международной Водной Ассоциации(ADM1)". Также опубликовано свыше 60 тезисов и докладов в рецензируемых материалах международных и российских конференций (Избранные публикации см. ниже).
Краткая автобиография
Моя работа началась в качестве младшего научного сотрудника Института биофизики Российской академии наук (Пущино-на-Оке, Московская область) и была сосредоточена на изучении механизма автоколебательных химических реакций, которые в дальнейшем были названы реакциями Белоусова-Жаботинского и периодическими химическими реакциями Брея-Либавски. Открытие автоколебаний в однородной среде, несомненно, зависит от удачи: в этой системе колебания существуют в слишком узкой области и монотонное поведение наблюдается гораздо чаще. Впервые мы использовали проточный реактор для изучения механизма автоколебательных реакций. Благодаря применению новых катализаторов, динамика пространственной системы наблюдалась в чашке Петри: образование диссипативных структур, открытие центров инициации, положительное и отрицательное влияние интенсивности перемешивания на скорость процесса. После перехода в Институт водных проблем я много лет изучал процессы биологической очистки сточных вод, применяя математическое моделирование. С начала 90-х моим основным научным интересом является моделирование анаэробных процесса. В результате была разработана первая компьютерная модель этого процесса с дружественным интерфейсом, названная "МЕТАН". Для моделирования химического и биологического разложения твердых отходов, в последнее время были созданы распределенные модели. Были исследованы различные явления пространственной динамики во время деградации ТБО (значение центров инициации метаногенеза, отрицательные и положительные эффекты перемешивания раствора на скорость процесса, разложение эфиров фталевой кислоты в метаногенных условиях и т.д.). В последних публикациях было описано перераспределение легких и тяжелых изотопов в результате микробиологического разложения различных субстратов.
Область научных интересов:
математическое моделирование, химическая кинетика, колебательные химические реакции, автокатализ, биодеградация, ферментативная кинетика, микробная динамика, аэробная очистки сточных вод, анаэробное разложение, гидролиз, метаногенез, интенсивность перемешивания, ингибирование, разложение твердых отходов , полигоны ТБО, эфиры фталевой кислоты и их разложение, распределенные (1-3D) модели, диффузия, адвекция, стабильные изотопы.
Основные публикации:
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M., Jagyzhinsky L.S. (1967) "Study of kinetics of self-oscillating chemical reaction effected by initial reagent concentrations. I. Oxydation reaction of malonic acid." In: Oscillations in Biological and Chemical Systems. (Ed. v G.M. Frank), Moskva: Nauka Publisher, pp.181-198.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M., Krupjanko V.I. (1967) "Study of kinetics of self-oscillating chemical reaction effected by initial reagent concentrations. I. Oxydation reaction of brommalonic acid." In: Oscillations in Biological and Chemical Systems. (Ed. v G.M. Frank), Moskva: Nauka Publisher, pp.199-206.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M. (1967) "Oscillating reaction of hydrogen peroxide degradation." In: Oscillations in Biological and Chemical Systems. (Ed. v G.M. Frank), Moskva: Nauka Publisher, pp.220-223.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M., Zaikin A.N. (1968) "Effect of ultraviolet on oscillating chemical reaction. " Zhurnal Phizicheskoi Khimii, 40, 3091-3094.
Vavilin V.A., Gulak P.V., Zhabotinsky A.M., Zaikin A.N. (1969) "Complex ferric ions as catalizers of self-oscillating chemical reaction of malonic acid oxydation and analogous compounds by bromate." Zhurnal Izvestija AN SSSR (Khimia), 11, 2618-2622.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M. (1969) "Autocatalytic reaction Ce3+ by bromate." Kinetka i Kataliz, 10, 83-88.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M. (1969) "Induced oxydation three-bromacetic and two-brommalonic acids." Kinetka i Kataliz, 10, 657-659.
Vavilin V.A. (1969) A Study of Mechanism of Oscillations in Some Chemical Liqud Phase Systems. Referat Kandidatskoi Dissertatsii, Moscva: Institut Khimicheskoi Physiki. 18P.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M., Zaikin A.N. (1970) "Self-oscillations of iodid-ion concentration during hydrogen peroxide degradation." Zhurnal Phizicheskoi Khimii, 44, 2501-2504.
Vavilin V.A., Zaikin A.N. (1971) "Effect of solution mixing on a rate of autocatalytic reaction." Kinetika i Kataliz, 12, 309-313.
Vavilin V.A. (1971) "Formation of cell structure during autocatalytic reaction of ferroion oxydation by bromate." Kinetika i Kataliz, 12, 1045-1047.
Vavilin V.A., Zhabotinsky A.M., Zaikin A.N. (1973) "A study of a self-oscillating chemical reaction". In: Biological Chemical Oscillators (Ed. B. Chance et al.). Paper Contrib. Prague Conference 1968-1969. N.Y., pp.71-77.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1976) "Design of a aeration/sedimentation tanks system" Vodnije Resursi, N2, 175-183.
Vavilin V.A., Tsitkin M.Yu. (1977) "Mathematical modelling and water quality management." Vodnije Resursi, N5, 114-132.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1978) "Mathematical models of biological treatment processes for the design of aeration tanks." Wat. Res., 12, 491-501.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1979) Mathematical Modelling of Biological Treatment Processes of Sewage Water by Activated Sludge. Moskva: Nauka Publisher, 119p. (in Russian).
Bagotsky S.V., Vavilin V.A. (1980) "Simulation modelling of planktonic ecosystem of a reservoir." Vodnije Resursi, N1, 30-42.
Gunter L.I., Grebenevich E.V., Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1981) "Advanced sewage treatment from nitrogen compounds in aerated biological ponds. I." Vodnije Resursi, N1, 128-139.
Vavilin V.A. (1983) Nonlinear Models of Biological Waste Water Treatment and Processes of Self-purification in Rivers. Moskva: Nauka, 159p. (in Russian)
Vavilin V.A. (1982) "Theory and design of aerobic biological treatment." Biotechnol. Bioengn. 24, 1721-1747.
Vavilin V.A. (1982) "The effect of temperature, of inlet pollution concentration and of microorganism concentration on the rates of aerobic biological treatment." Biotechnol. Bioengn. 24, 2609-2625.
Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A. (1982) "Activated sludge system design under wide variation of organic loadings." Biotechnol. Bioengn. 24, 2337-2355.
Gunter L.I., Grebenevich E.V., Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1981) "Advanced sewage treatment from nitrogen compounds in aerated biological ponds. II." Vodnije Resursi, N1, 154-159.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1983) "Dependance of biological treatment rate on species composition in activated sludge or biofilm. I. Biological treatment model with ecosystem adaptation." Biotechnol. Bioengn., 24, 2337-2355.
Vavilin V.A. (1983) "Dependance of biological treatment rate on species composition in activated sludge or biofilm. II. From models to theory." Biotechnol. Bioengn., 24, 2337-2355.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1985) "A multispecious model of biological treatment with sequential pollutant oxidation." Biotechnol. Bioengn. 27, 490-497.
Vavilin V.A. (1985) "Principles of mathematical modelling of biological waste water treatment processes." In: Mathematical Models in Biological Waste Water Treatment (Eds.- S.E. Jorgensen and M.J. Gromiec). Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 7-94.
Vavilin V.A. (1986) "Biomass Turn-over Time and Destruction of Organic Matter in the Systems of Biological Waste Water Treatment". Moskva: Nauka, 144p. (in Russian).
Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A. (1990) "Simultaneous treatment of carbon and nitrogen from sewage water by multy-specious microorganism community." Vodnije Resursi, N1, 119-127.
Lebedeva L.I., Gerasimova T.N., Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1990) "Analysis of age distribution and productivity of Philodina Roseola population in activated sludge: experiment and model." Vodnije Resursi, N4, 42-49.
Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A. (1991) "Generalists or specialists in activated sludge microorganisms community." Ecol. Modelling. 55, 47-55.
Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A. (1992) "Substrate consumption by an activated sludge with changing bacterial size and form." Ecol. Modelling. 60, 1-9.
Topnikov V.E., Vavilin V.A. (1992) "Comparative evaluation of self-purification processes in rivers." Vodnije Resursi, N1, 59-75.
Rytov S.V., Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A. (1992) "pH calculation in anaerobic medium." Khimia i Teknologia Vodi, 14, N5, 464-468.
Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Ponomarev A.V. (1993) "Simulation model of anaerobic degradation of organic matter by microorganism association." Vodnije Resursi, 20, N6, 714-725.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B., and Rytov S.V. (1993) Modelling of Organic Matter Destruction by Microorganism Association. Moskva: Nauka, 204p. (in Russian)
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B., Rytov S.V., Ponomarev A.V. (1994) "Simulation model <Methane> as a tool of effective biogas production during anaerobic conversion of complex organic matter." Biores. Technol., 48, 1-8.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B., Rytov S.V., Ponomarev A.V. (1994) "Self-oscillating coexistance of methanogens and sulfate-reducers under hydrogen sulfide inhibition and the pH regulating effect." Biores. Technol., 49, 105-119.
Vasiliev V.B., Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Kuvatbekova V.K. (1994) "Mathematical modeling of competition for substrate between phosphate-accumulating and non-phosphate-accumulating microorganisms in the activated sludge ecosystem." Russian J. Aquatic Ecology, 3, 99-109.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B., Rytov S.V., Ponomarev A.V. (1995) "Modelling ammonia and hydrogen sulfide inhibition in anaerobic digestion." Wat. Res., 1995, 29, 827-835.
Vavilin V.A., Vasiliev V.B., Rytov S.V. (1995) "Modeling of gas pressure effects on anaerobic digestion." Biores.Technol., 52, 25-32.
Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Lokshina L.Ya. (1995) "Modelling hydrogen partial pressure change as result of competition between the butyric and propionic groups of acidogenic bacteria." Biores.Technol., 54, 171-177.
Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Lokshina L.Ya. (1996) "A description of hydrolysis kinetics in anaerobic degradation of particulate organic matter." Biores. Technol., 56, 229-237.
Vavilin V.A., Lokshina L. Ya. (1996). "Modeling of volatily fatty acids degradation and evaluation of microorganism activity." Biores. Technol., 57, 69-80.
Fomichev A.O., Vavilin V.A. (1997) "The reduced model of self-oscillating dynamics in an anaerobic system with sulfate-reduction." Ecol. Modelling, 95, 133-144.
46. Vavilin V.A., Lokshina L.Ya., Rytov S.V., Kotsyurbenko O.R., Nozhevnikova A.N., Parshina S.N. (1997) "Modelling methanogenesis during anaerobic conversion of complex organic matter at low temperatures." Wat. Sci. Technol., 36, No 6-7, 531-538.
Vavilin V.A., Lokshina L.Ya., Rytov S.V., Kotsyurbenko O.R., Nozhevnikova (1998) "Modelling low-temperature methane production from cattle manure by an acclimated microbial community." Biores. Technol., 63, 159-171
Lokshina L.Ya., Vavilin V.A. (1999) "Kinetic analysis of the key stages of low temperature methanogenesis." Ecol. Modelling, 117, 285-303.
Salminen E., Rintala J., Lokshina L.Ya., Vavilin V.A. (2000) "Anaerobic batch degradation of solid poultry slaughterhouse waste." Wat. Sci. Technol., 41(3), 33-41.
Vavilin V.A., Lokshina L.Ya., Rytov S.V., Kotsyubenko O.R., Nozhevnikova A.N. (2000) "Description of two-step kinetics in methane formation during psychrophilic H2/CO2 and mesophilic glucose conversions." Biores. Technol., 71, 195-209.
Вавилин В.А. (2000) "Автоколебания в жидкофазных химических системах (история науки)." Природа, N5, 19-24.
Lokshina L.Ya., Vavilin V.A., Kettunen R.H., Rintala J.A., Holliger CH., Nozhevnikova A.N. (2001) "Evaluation of kinetic coefficients using integrated Monod and Haldane models for low-temperature acetoclastic methanogenesis". Wat. Res., 2001, 35, 2913-2922.
Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Lokshina L.Ya., Rintala J., Lyberatos G. (2001) "Simplified hydrolysis models for the optimal design of two-stage anaerobic digestion". Wat. Res., 35, 4247-4251.
Vavilin V.A., Schelkanov M. Yu., Lokshina L.Ya. Rytov S.V., Jokela J., Salminen E., Rintala J. (2002) "A comparative analysis of a balance between the rates of polymer hydrolysis and acetoclastic methanogenesis during anaerobic digestion of solid waste." Wat.Sci.Technol., 45(10), 249-254.
Vavilin V.A., Schelkanov M. Yu., Rytov S.V. (2002) "Effect of mass transfer on concentration wave propagation during anaerobic digestion of solid waste". Wat. Res., 36, 2405-2409.
Batstone D.J., Keller J., Angelidaki I., Kalyuzhnyi S. V., Pavlostathis S.G., Rozzi A., Sanders W.T.M., Siegrist H. and Vavilin V.A. (2002) "Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1. (ADM1)." Wat.Sci.Technol., 45(10), 65-73.
Batstone D.J., Keller J., Angelidaki I., Kalyuzhnyi S. V., Pavlostathis S.G., Rozzi A., Sanders W.T.M., Siegrist H. and Vavilin V.A. (2002) "Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1." Scientific and Technical Report No.13. IWA Publishing, Cornwall, UK.
Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Lokshina L.Ya., Pavlostathis S.G., Barlaz M.A. (2003) "Distributed model of solid waste anaerobic digestion. Effect of leachate recirculation and pH adjustment". Biotechnol. Bioengn. , 81(1), 66-73.
K. Stamatelatou, V. Vavilin, G. Lyberatos (2003) "Performance of a glucose fed periodic anaerobic baffled reactor under increasing organic loading conditions: 1. Experimental results." Biores. Technol., 88, 131-136.
K. Stamatelatou, L. Lokshina, V. Vavilin, G. Lyberatos (2003) "Performance of a glucose fed periodic anaerobic baffled reactor under increasing organic loading conditions: 2. Model prediction." Biores. Technol., 88, 137-142.
Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Pavlostathis S.G., Jokela J. and Rintala J. (2003) "A distributed model of solid waste anaerobic digestion: sensitivity analysis". Wat.Sci.Technol. , 48(4), 147-154.
Lokshina L.Y., Vavilin V.A., Salminen E. and Rintala J. (2003) "Modeling of anaerobic degradation of solid slaughterhouse waste". Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. , 109(1-3), 15-32.
63. Вавилин В.А., Локшина Л.Я., Калюжный С.В., Ножевникова А.Н. (2003) "Свалки как возбудимая среда ". Природа, N5, 54-60.
Vavilin VA. (2003) "Landfill as an exitable media". Conf. Proc: Workshop on sustainable landfill management. 3-5 Dec 2003, Chennai, India. Allied Publisher Pvt Limited, New Delhi, 51-60.
Vavilin V.A., Lokshina L.Ya., Jokela J. and Rintala J. (2004) "Modeling solid waste decomposition". Biores. Technol., 94/1, 69-81.
Vavilin V.A. (2004) "Initiation center for methanogenesis in decomposition of municipal solid waste: negative effect of component concentration averaging". Bull. of Rus. Acad. of Natural Sciences, 4/1, 9-13.
Vavilin V.A., Angelidaki I. (2005) "Anaerobic Degradation of Solid Material: Importance of Initiation Centers for Methanogenesis, Mixing Intensity, and 2D Distributed Model". Biotechnol. Bioengn., 89(1), 113-122.
Vavilin, V.A., Jonsson, S., Svensson, B.H., (2005) "Kinetic analysis of the transformation of phthalate esters in a series of stoichiometric reactions in anaerobic wastes". Appl.Microbial Biotechnol. , 69 (4) , 474-484.
Вавилин В.А. (2005) "Автокатализ и флуктуации в природе ". Природа, N 6 , 52-59.
Jokela J.P.Y., Vavilin V.A., Rintala J.A. (2005) "Hydrolysis rates, methane production and nitrogen solubilisation of grey waste components during anaerobic degradation". Biores. Technol. , 96 , 501-508.
Lehtomaki A., Vavilin V.A., Rintala J.A., (2005) "Kinetic analysis of methane production from energy crops". In: Proc. IWA Conference on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste. Copenhagen, August 31-September 2, 2005, 2 , 67-72.
Lokshina LY, Vavilin VA, Flotats X, Angelidaki I. (2005) "Modeling of thermophylic anaerobic digestion of sorted household solid waste". In: Proc. IWA Conference on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste. Copenhagen, Augest 31 - September 2 2005, 1 , 359-366.
Jonsson S, Vavilin V.A., Svensson B.H., (2006) "Phthalate hydrolysis under landfill conditions". Wat.Sci.Technol. , 53 (8) , 119-127.
Vavilin V.A.,Jonsson S, Svensson B.H., (2006) "Modelling MSW decomposition under landfill conditions considering hydrolytic and methanogenic inhibition". Biodegradation , 17 (5) , 389-402.
Vavilin V.A., (2006) "Degradation mechanisms in landfills: a modeling approach". In: Proc. 4th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium. Gallivare (Sweden), June 14-16, 2006, 215-216.
Vavilin VA, Lokshina LY, Flotats X, Angelidaki I. (2007) "Anaerobic Degradation of Solid Material: Multidimensial modelling of continuous-flow reactor with non-uniform influent concentration distributions ". Biotechnol. Bioengn. , 97 , 354-366.
Vavilin VA. (2007) "Corrected first-order model of DEPH degradation.". Chemosphere , 68 , 1992-1995.
Vavilin VA. (2007) "Some problems and results in modelling solid waste decomposition within landfill simulating reactors". Conf. Proc: 2nd International Workshop Hydro-Physico-Mechanics of Wastes. Southampton, England, 18-19th April, 2007, Session 1.
Palatsi J., Fernandez B., Vavilin V.A., Flotats X. (2007) "Analysis of the Anaerobic Biodegradability of Fresh Slaughterhouse Waste. Interpretation of Results by a Simplified Model". In: Proc. 11th Intern. Congress on Anaerobic Processes. Bioenergy for Future. Brisbane, Australia , September 2007, Proceedings CD.
Vavilin V.A., Qu X., Mazeas L., Lemunier M., Duquennoi C., J.M. Mouchel J.M., He P., Bouchez T. (2008) "Aceticlastic and Hydrogenotrophic Pathways of Methane Production During Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Wastes: Modeling Based on Isotopic Data and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Analysis". In: Proc. V Intern. Symp. on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes and Energy Crops v Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 May. Proceedings CD.
Vavilin VA., Fernandez B., Palatsi J., Floats X. (2008) " Hydrolysis kinetics in anaerobic degradation of particulate organic material: An overview."Waste Management , 28 , 939-951.
Vavilin VA., Qu X., Mazeas L., Lemunier M., Duquennoi C., He P., Bouchez T. (2008) " Methanosarcina as the Dominant Aceticlastic Methanogens during Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Putrescible Waste."Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , 94 , 593-605.
Вавилин В.А. (2008) "Как эффективно получать биогаз?" Природа , N 11 , 14-19.
Qu X., Vavilin VA., Mazeas L., Lemunier M., Duquennoi C., He P., Bouchez T. (2009) " Anaerobic Biodegradation of Cellulosic Material: Batch Experiments and Modelling Based on Isotopic Data and Focusing on Aceticlastic and Non-aceticlasctic Methanogenesis."Waste Management , 29 , 1828-1837.
Qu X., Mazeas L., Vavilin VA., Epissard J., Lemunier M., Mouchel J.-M., He P., Bouchez T. (2009) " Combined monitoring of Changes 13CH4 and Archaeal Community Structure during Mesophilic Metanization of Municipal Solid Waste."FEMS Microbial Ecology , 68 , 236-245.
Vavilin V.A., Li T., Qu X., Mazeas L., He P., Bouchez T. (2009) "Modelling Solid Waste Degradation Mechanisms: Chemical Reactions, Microbial Ecology and Isotope 13C Fractionation". In: Proc. 3rd International Workshop Hydro-Phisico-Mechanics of Landfills, Braunschweig, Germany, 10-13 Marth 2009 , paper 12.
Vavilin VA., Qu X., Mazeas L., Lemunier M., Duquennoi C., Mouchel J.M., He P. and Bouchez T. (2009) "Similar evolution in δ13CH4 and model-predicted relative rate of aceticlastic methanogenesis during mesophilic methanization of municipal solid wastes". Wat.Sci.Technol. , 60 (12) , 3173-3179.
Вавилин В.А. (2009) "От периодических химических реакций к динамике микробных сообществ ". Биофизика (Biofizika) , 54 (6) , 1144-1150.
Vavilin, V.A., Li, T., Chapleur, O., Mazeas, L., Bouchez, T., (2010) "Modelling thermophilic methanol and cellulose methanization based on chemical reactions and isotope accumulation in products". In: Proc. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion AD12. Guadalajara. 31 October v 4 November 2010. Oral Presentation., CD.
Vavilin VA. (2010) "Equation for isotope accumulation in products and biomass as a way to reveal the pathways in mesophilic methanol methanization by microbial community". Ecol. Modelling , 221 , 2881-2886.
Vavilin VA. (2010) "Anaerobic degradation of organic waste: an experience in mathematical modeling". Microbiology , 79 , 334-341.
Vavilin VA. (2012) "Estimating evolution of δ13CH4 during methanization of municipal solid waste based on chemical reactions, isotope accumulation in products and microbial ecology". Wat.Sci.Technol. , 65 (2) , 270-276.
Vavilin VA. (2012) "Estimating evolution of δ13CH4 during methanization of cellulosic waste based on stoichiometric chemical reactions, microbial dynamics and stable carbon isotope fractionation". Biores. Technol. , 110 , 706-710.
Vavilin VA. (2012) "Estimating evolution of δ13CH4 during methanogenesis ih the boreal peatland ecosystems based on stoichiometric chemical reactions, microbial dynamics and stable carbon isotope fractionation". Ecol. Modelling , 240 , 84-92.
Vavilin VA. (2013) " Estimating changes of isotopic fractionation based on chemical kinetics and microbial dynamics during anaerobic methane oxidation: apparent zero- and first-order kinetics at high and low initial methane concentrations." Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , 103 , 375-383.
Vavilin VA., Rytov SV. (2013) " Non-linear dynamics of carbon and hydrogen isotopic signatures based on a biological kinetic model of nitrite-dependent methane oxidation by "Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera". Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , 104 , 1097-1108.
Vavilin V.A. (2013) "New step in anaerobic digestion modeling: estimating changes in isotopic composition as a way to reveal metabolic pathways.". In: Proc. . of 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 25th-28th June 2013.USB flash drive. SPA14 (IWA-10830):
Vavilin VA., Rytov SV.,Lokshina L.Y. (2014) "Non-linear dynamics of nitrogen isotopic signature based on biological kinetic model of uptake and assimilation of ammonium, nitrate and urea by a marine diatom. Ecol. Modelling , 279 , 45-53.
Vavilin VA., Rytov SV. (2015) "Non-linear dynamic model describing fractionation of stable nitrogen isotopes in denitrification process with nitrous oxide formation." Water Resources, 42(2), 215-219.
Vavilin VA., Rytov SV. (2015) "Nitrate denitrification with nitrite or nitrous oxide as intermediate products: Stoichiometry, kinetics and dynamics of stable isotope signatures.". Chemosphere , 134, 417-426.
Vavilin VA., Rytov SV. Shim N., Vogt C. (2015) "Non-linear dynamics of stable carbon and hydrogen isotope signatures based on a biological kinetic model of aerobic enzymatic methane oxidation.". Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies , DOI:10.1080/10256016.2016.1092965 .
Участие в проектах:
- RFFI (Project no 96-01-00893, "Mathematical modelling of key stages of anaerobic ecosystem functioning with biogas production", 1996-1998)
- INTAS (Project no 96-2045, "Methane production in low temperature environments", 1998-2000)
- NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant with Patras University (Project no EST.ClG 9750078, 1999- 2000)
- INCO-COPERNICUS-2 ( Project no ICA-2-CT-2001-10001), "Development of cost-effective biotechnological methods for abatement ofwater pollution and mitigation of methane emissions from landfills in different climatic zones" (2002-2004)
- FULBRIGHT FOUNDATION Grant "Development of Efficient Degradation of Municipal Solid Wastes In Landfills" (2001-2002)
- The SWEDISH FOUNDATION for International Cooperation in Reasearch and Higher Education "A model description of phthalate degradation in landfills" (2004).
- The SPANISH MINISTRY of EDUCATION and SCIENCE (Project REN 2004-00724 "Contribution to the calibration of the ADM1, adapted to the co-digestion of agro-industrial wastes, using SBE method (simultaneous batch experiments)" (2005-2007)
Избранные доклады:
- "Distributed Models of Solid Waste Anaerobic Digestion: Effect of Mass Transfer on Chemical Wave Propagation", Brandeis University, Waltham, USA, Feb 2001,
- "Simple and Structured Modelling of Anaerobic Digestion", Max-Plank-Institut for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany, Sep 2002,
- "Studying Solid Waste Decomposition, Focusing on 1-3D Distributed Models", Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, Apr 2002,
- Lleida Agricultural University, Lleida, Spain, Sep 2003,
- "Degradation Mechanisms in Landfills: a Modelling Approach", Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, Feb 2004,
- "Modelling of Environmental Biotechnology Processes" (a course of lectures), Jyvaskyla University, Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct-Nov 2004.
- "Modelling of Environmental Biotechnology Processes" (a course of lectures), Tonju University, Shanghai, China, Nov 2005.
- "Modelling of Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes", North Caroline State University (Raleigh); University of Central Florida (Orlando), USA, Nov. 2006.
- "Modelling of Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes", New Mexico State University (Las Cruces), USA, Nov 2006.
- "Simple and Structured Models of Anaerobic Digestion", Catalonia University, Barcelona, Spain, Nov 2007
- "Modelling Degradation Mechanism of Solid Waste: Chemical Reactions, Microbial Ecology and Isotope C13 Fractionation", Cemagref, Antony, France, Nov 2008
V.A. Vavilin, S.V. Rytov, L.Y. Lokshina. Dynamic isotope equations for 13CH4 and 13CO2 describing methane formation with a focus on the effect of anaerobic respiration in sediments of some tropical lakes / Ecological Modelling, 2018, vol. 386, pages 59-7023.08.2018
Vavilin V.A., Rytov S.V., Lokshina L.Y. Modelling the specific pathway of CH4 and CO2 formation using carbon isotope fractionation: an example for a boreal mesotrophic fen / Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies05.10.2017
Vasily Vavilin, Sergey Rytov, Ralf Conrad, Ecological Modelling 2017. 'Modelling methane formation in sediments of tropical lakes focusing on syntrophic acetate oxidation: Dynamic and static carbon isotope equations' V. 363. P. 81-9516.06.2017
Vavilin, V.A., Rytov S.V., 2017. Dynamic changes of apparent fractionation factor to describe transition to syntrophic acetate oxidation during cellulose and acetate methanization. IEHS, 135-156.